New ways to integrate with Google Classroom
Posted by Pepper Lebeck-Jobe, Classroom API Tech Lead (Cross-posted on the Google for Work Blog .) Classroom debuted last year to help teachers and students save time and collaborate with each other, and since then we’ve been working on how to make sure it worked well with other products that educators love and use in their classes. Starting today, developers can embed the Classroom share button and sign up for the developer preview of the Classroom API. These tools make it easy for developers to seamlessly integrate with Classroom in ways that help teachers and students — like letting teachers create assignments directly from Quizlet, Duolingo, PBS and many other favorites. We’ve also got other updates to tell you about, including whitelisted domains and notifications in the Classroom mobile app. Classroom API The Classroom API allows admins to provision and manage classes at scale, and lets developers integrate their applications with Classroom. Until the end of July...